Robert Foster for Governor Logo
Friend - It was an absolute honor to speak at the historic Neshoba Founders Square yesterday as I made my case as the conservative outsider who can bring a fresh perspective and an outside-the-box way of thinking to our state government.

If you were unable to join us, or haven't seen it yet on social media, I encourage you to watch our speech here: Watch the Speech Here

This much is clear; Mississippians are hungry for a change to the status quo, and I think that is exactly what Mississippi needs.

Will you help me with small donation as we move into the last weekend before election day?

Heather and I are so grateful and encouraged by the amount of support we have received since we announced. And it's hard to ask for more support, but we are counting on people like you to help us win.

We truly are running a "We The People" campaign.
12 West Commerce Street #295
Hernando, MS 38632