We had our weekly finance meeting earlier today, and the team is pumped up!
One of the big differences from my Senate bid last year is our early start and early momentum this time around.
We also see a real opportunity for one big reason: Mike Simpson and the GOP will underestimate us. ID-02 is NOT on their radar.
That gives us an opening to make significant inroads in the media market here in Idaho – a market that is much more affordable than states like California.
We will still need significant funding of course, and here’s a peek into how we plan to get there:
A big part of our funding strategy will be to gain the early support of the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund and similar organizations. With well over 500 anti-trans bills this year alone, we know they’ve got their hands full across the nation fighting on all fronts, and they have to determine the best use of their funds.
Help me meet them halfway! We’d like to raise another $10,000 by the end of this month, then we’ll be positioned to go into deep planning and goal setting for Q3.
From there we will hit some big targets, and that’s when we’re a LOT more likely to get more national attention and support, sneak in a win, and FLIP this seat BLUE.
This is the importance of EARLY money, John. The fact is, so many races get all their funding in the final two months of the election but by then, the die has been cast.
We want to set the pace and tone of this race, and we aim to WIN it. So please pitch in what you can today and help me build a rock solid campaign that gets crucial national attention. Can I count on you today?