Statements from NFIB, Ohio Chamber, Buckeye Inst., & Americans for Prosperity
InnovateOhio Common Sense Initiative (CSI) Joint Masthead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??MEDIA CONTACT:
February 13, 2020? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Joshua Eck | (614) 549-2846

Business Leaders Call CSI Regulatory Reform Tool "Creative," "Excellent," and "Exciting"

(COLUMBUS, Ohio)?Business leaders in Ohio have praised this morning's announcement that Ohio's Common Sense Initiative (CSI), overseen by Lt. Governor Jon Husted, will begin using a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool to more efficiently search for overly-burdensome, duplicative, and conflicting regulations. You can see what they are saying below!

NFIB Ohio Logo

?A key component to Ohio?s small-business community during the campaign of 2018 was the promise of an effort to streamline regulations. It is encouraging to see the DeWine Husted Administration living up to that promise. With the use of artificial intelligence, state agencies will now be able to expedite the regulatory review process and weed out those harmful unnecessary regulations that serve to stifle Ohio?s economic growth. NFIB and our members greatly appreciate these types of efforts to get out of the way of Ohio entrepreneurs and let them continue to serve as the economic engine that drives our state.?
- Roger Geiger, Vice President and Executive Director for NFIB in Ohio

Ohio Chamber of Commerce Logo

?We want to commend Lieutenant Governor Husted on his efforts to speed up the review of what can often times be onerous regulations in Ohio. The partnership of CSI and InnovateOhio by utilizing an artificial intelligence tool will bring about a creative approach in Ohio?s efforts to create a positive regulatory environment.?
- Andrew Doehrel,?President and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce

Buckeye Institute Logo

?Today?s announcement by Lieutenant Governor Husted regarding the use of AI to uncover burdens and redundancies in Ohio?s regulatory code is excellent news. The Buckeye Institute applauds the efforts of the administration, as well as leaders in the General Assembly, for finding innovative ways to reduce Ohio?s regulatory burden?something Buckeye has long called for. These reforms will make it easier for businesses to create more jobs and hire more workers.?
-Robert Alt, President & Chief Executive Officer of The Buckeye Institute

AFP-Ohio Logo

"The activists at AFP-OH are excited to see the strong leadership Lt Governor Husted has shown in responding to the call for regulatory reform. The tools this administration is unleashing should make it easier to cut the burdensome?red tape that holds Ohioans back from?leading their lives."
- Micah Derry, State Director, Americans for Prosperity - Ohio?

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