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There’s still time for you to declare your candidacy for the 2023-24 Center for New Liberalism Steering Committee, as we are extending the deadline for candidate declarations through Monday!

The Steering Committee serves as the grassroots advisory board for the Center for New Liberalism. They meet with CNL’s leadership to advise on CNL activities over the year and have a guiding impact on the direction of CNL. Its members are able to shape CNL and each of our members’ experiences. To serve on the committee, you need to declare your candidacy, which includes submission of your Motivation Statement and your bio, by June 26.

Declaration Form

In light of this, the updated application and election process timeline has been edited as follows:

  • June 26 - last day to submit candidate statements/bios to stand for election

  • June 30 - candidate guides will be emailed to all people eligible to vote

  • July 7 - ballots will be sent out to all eligible voters (online voting opens)

  • July 14 (11:59pm) - online voting closes

  • July 15 - in person voting at NLAS D.C. begins

  • July 15 - winners announced and inaugurated

We want to thank the outgoing steering committee for their time and immense contributions to the organization over the past year. 

If you have any questions about the Steering Committee or the election process, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email, or email me directly at [email protected].

Markose Butler

The Center for New Liberalism (CNL) is a digital-first grassroots organization dedicated to fighting for liberalism during the age it is most under attack. We are the hub of a grassroots movement of center-left activists from around the world. Collectively, our work reaches upwards of 60 million people a month.

In 2023, we launched our New Liberal Action Summit. NLAS is free to attend. NLAS summits will be held across the U.S. and abroad, and the next NLAS event in Washington D.C. Registration is now open.

CNL values our members. To become a member or to learn more about membership, visit our membership page.

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