Our team wanted to pass along a note Abigail sent around a few days ago regarding the grave threat to our country posed by the former President’s mishandling of classified documents.
As a former CIA case officer, Abigail understands the importance of protecting our national security. And as a current Member of the House Intelligence Committee, she knows the devastating impacts of potential leaks on America’s servicemembers, defense facilities, and allies.
Abigail has done so much for the security of our communities and our country. Will you support our campaign with a contribution today?
Here’s her message:
Yesterday, I went on MSNBC to discuss the former President’s disregard for our nation’s secrets and the grave risk his actions pose to our national security.
As a former CIA officer, I used to collect the information and write up the intelligence reports that the former president so cavalierly stored in boxes at his home. The precautions U.S. intelligence agencies take to safeguard America’s secrets are extraordinary — because this information is paramount to our national security and the lives of America’s servicemembers. The idea that these would be haphazardly strewn across the floors of Mar-a-Lago is unthinkable.
It is vitally important that anyone with access to classified information do everything required of them by law and by duty to keep that information safe. As outlined in this indictment, the former President of the United States did not do that.
When asked to return documents so that they could be kept safe and stored as intended, the President joined with others to hide those documents and lie to federal investigators. This callous disregard for our nation’s secrets was at the detriment of national security and the safety and security of our servicemembers whose lives are on the line if classified information gets out to the public.
This incident further cements my resolve as a member of the House Intelligence Committee to defend our nation’s secrets and our servicemembers. If you support my work, I hope you will consider contributing to my campaign today so I can continue to protect our intelligence, our national security, and our servicemembers.
I am grateful for your support,