Republican extremists are trying to lock in their unpopular policies and guarantee they win the 2024 election by passing laws to suppress as many voters as possible. Ohio's far-right legislature has already passed draconian laws to restrict reproductive freedom. Now they are calling a special election on August 8th to try to pass a resolution that would make it harder to amend the Ohio Constitution, including initiatives to raise wages and protect reproductive rights in Ohio. They called this election over the summer because they hoped we wouldn't be paying attention. That's why organizing as many people as possible is crucial to save democracy in Ohio. With the 2024 election on the line, can we count on you to rush a donation? This undemocratic amendment would change the ballot initiative threshold from a majority to 60% of the vote, effectively crushing initiatives to reverse their evil abortion plan and raise wages. That's why Our Revolution activists across Ohio are fighting back with One Fair Wage and others. Workers can't thrive under fascist control, and we're building the movement to restore democracy. Rush a donation now so we can sound the alarm in Ohio before the election this summer! When we organize, we win! Our Revolution 