The first stop on Social Security Works’ Stop the Social Security Cutters tour wrapped yesterday. We teamed up with the California Alliance for Retired Americans for a rally outside Rep. John Duarte’s district office and it was a big success:
Rep. Duarte represents a California district that Joe Biden won, but he voted for Kevin McCarthy’s plan to close Social Security offices, and he’s backing McCarthy’s plan to create a closed-door commission to cut Social Security and Medicare.
When Republicans eyed Social Security and Medicare cuts while they threatened America with default, we promised to go on tour and make sure that their constituents knew. That’s just what we’re doing―can you chip in $7 to make our next tour stop even bigger?
This was the headline in Duarte’s local paper:
We need headlines like that around the country if we want to elect a pro-Social Security majority in 2024. That’s why we’re going after Republicans in districts that Joe Biden won, or where a swing of just a few votes could make a difference. Even as the tour pulls out of Duarte’s district, our billboard will be there to remind his voters:
The closest race in the country last year was won by Rep. Lauren Boebert, who prevailed by just 546 votes. Rep. Boebert’s billboard will be up soon.
Our Social Security system is the most universally beloved thing that our country does. The American people do NOT want their Representatives to undermine or dismantle it―yet time and again, that’s what Republican politicians do.
We’re making it clear: Politicians can’t hide their support for Social Security cuts. Not behind closed doors, not behind press releases filled with weasel words. Donate $7 to make sure that voters know who the Social Security cutters are!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works