Dear John,

A BIT OF PERSONAL NEWS. I watched “You” on Netflix and it’s trash. You’re welcome.

While we’ve all been obsessing over the primary results in Iowa and New Hampshire, AAF was also finishing off the first leg of our 2020 Feminist Buzzkills of Comedy tour in Florida and Georgia. Because as you know, abortion access fuckery continues apace across the country, even when we are obsessed with other important fuckery.

The hilarious Ian Harvie and I had an amazing sold-out show in Gainesville as part of the Changeville Festival, and bonus had a special guest appearance from hip-hop activist Alia Sharrief. We closed out the show with a great interview with folks from Bread & Roses Women’s Health Center.

These incredible Gainesville providers broke down the challenges they face in Florida and inspired the audience to commit to joining them at an upcoming city council meeting to show support for a buffer zone that would protect clinic staff and patients from self-described “peaceful” protesters (and by peaceful, we mean loud and horrifying). We rounded out the Gainesville trip with some elbow grease at the clinic, assembling 20 comfy new chairs for the Bread & Roses waiting room.

Off to Atlanta, with a quick side trip to Plains GA to pay homage to the great Jimmy Carter, patron saint of presidential kindness. We came for the good vibes, stayed for the creepy peanut statue.

Atlanta never disappoints but GA’s abortion laws—well that’s another story. Great show and talkback at The Earl, then Three. Full. Days. of love bombing on local independent abortion providers and those who help fund abortions in the Southeast.

We assembled after-care packages for Access Reproductive Care SE patients and made valentine gift bags for abortion patients scheduled on Valentines Day at two Atlanta clinics (cause really, how much would that suck). It was a personal care whirlwind! We brought that love and energy to Summit Medical Associates, throwing them a staff appreciation party with margaritas, a tarot reader, and some pampering face masks and hand massages. We carried on the AbortionAF Spa Experience at Feminist Women's Health Center providing chair massages, facial masks, snacks and of course, cucumber water because we are legit AF!  Seriously, giving abortion providers and patients TLC is the best part of our job.

Now it’s back to NYC to prep and plan for some actions in DC around the June Medical Services v. Gee Supreme Court case that will be argued on March 4th. This case is pivotal for abortion access… stay tuned for details about how you can join us!

Thanks as always for your continued support. This is why we fight. 



PS: If you'd like to be our Valentine and help us support amazing independent abortion providers across the nation, please make a donation!

Abortion Access Front is a project of NEO Philanthropy, a 501(c)(3) public charity. Contributions to the Abortion Access Front are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. 

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