Folks, it’s past time to fire Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General and replace him with someone who can undo the damage he’s done to our mail system.

Will you add your name to my petition calling for DeJoy’s removal right now?

Remember DeJoy? He was a major Republican donor, and former President Trump made him the Postmaster General. Since then, it seems he’s only had one goal: undermine the USPS.

He started messing with USPS practices at the height of the pandemic, when rural communities were relying on mail delivery more than ever before for medications, Social Security checks, basic goods, and even to vote by mail in our election.

DeJoy slowed mail delivery, removed dozens of mail collection boxes in communities across Montana, and undermined the ability for folks to use mail-in ballots.

I’ve long raised concerns over his actions and remain troubled by his reported conflicts of interest. Public reports indicate he’s used his office to benefit his friends and business allies—giving government contracts to his former companies, and making investment decisions that directly benefit the chair of the independent agency overseeing him.

He’s got to go. It’s time for a new, competent leader to take over the USPS before DeJoy does any more harm.

If you agree, please add your name to my petition calling for DeJoy’s immediate removal from his position as Postmaster General. Let’s show DeJoy his corruption has no place in the United States Postal Service.

It’s time we put someone in charge that has the best interests of Americans at heart.

