Dear Friends,

Your donation to NRCAT today will help support the Close Guantánamo vigils that are being held on the first Wednesday of each month across the U.S. and in cities around the world. These vigils are hosted by NRCAT along with our partners including Amnesty International, Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Victims of Torture, Close Guantánamo, Council on American-Islamic Relations, ICUJP, Muslim Counterpublics Lab, No More Guantánamos, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Witness Against Torture and World Can’t Wait. 

Thirty Muslim men are currently detained in the detention center at Guantánamo Bay. Nineteen of these men have never been charged with a crime, and 16 of them have been cleared for transfer. Despite the Biden Administration’s stated openness to plea deals and other legal and diplomatic measures that would close Guantanamo, ongoing public pressure is needed right now.

At the very least, we are demanding that the Biden Administration should immediately transfer all the men cleared for release from Guantánamo to countries where their human rights will be respected.

Your donation to NRCAT during Torture Awareness Month will help sustain these monthly vigils as an on-going public witness for closing Guantánamo once and for all. Your contribution today will be doubled thanks to our generous donors, up to our goal of $30,000 this Torture Awareness Month.

Consider hosting a vigil in your community! With just three people, you can have two hold a banner, and one take some pictures to share with your local newspaper and on social media. We have a litany and prayers you can use, and you can contact me at [email protected] to receive a "Close Guantanamo" banner.

Thank you for your support,

Rev. T.C. Morrow
Director, Finance and Operations

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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