Dear Friend,


Last Thursday, after surveying their members, the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) announced that they would be dropping their opposition to assisted dying. The RCS now hold a neutral position. This is a huge win for the campaign. 


6 out of 10 RCS members personally support law change to allow for assisted dying. Just 29% were opposed and 10% undecided.


The RCS joins the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of Nursing and the British Medical Association in having a neutral stance on assisted dying.


There is momentum in the medical profession for change. But ultimately it comes down to politicians to reform the law.

Friend, will you sign Dame Prue Leith’s open letter to party leaders calling for a national debate on assisted dying? It takes just 30 seconds.

Yes, I'll sign >>


Like RCS members, the majority of the British public support law reform. 8 out of 10 British people support law change to allow the choice of assisted dying for terminally ill adults.


For every day that passes until we achieve law change, dying people will continue to face the cruelty of the current law. Terminally ill people deserve a safe and legal option to end their suffering in a peaceful and dignified manner.


We can’t make this kind of progress without you, Friend. Thank you for all your support.


Best wishes,


Lloyd Riley
Director of Policy and Research


P.S. Read our full press release for the full details of this historic change.


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