URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Stop the EPA from approving BEE-KILLING pesticides for another 15 years! Sign your name and help save bees!

This summer you might see furry round bumblebees buzzing between flowers, or their smaller honeybee counterparts collecting nectar. Our pollinator friends don’t just bring life to our green spaces -- they’re also responsible for 1 of 3 bites of food we eat, supplying nutrition to you, your friends, and family.

But you might also notice that there are far fewer pollinators than even just a few years ago. Wild bee populations are SPIRALING downward at a dangerous pace, and toxic pesticides called neonics are a big reason why. Neonics can KILL BEES on contact -- but they are still widely applied on farms, lawns, and in gardens.

According to the U.N., 40% of insect pollinators face extinction. Yet, the EPA is prepared to approve neonics for another 15 years. That’s 15 MORE YEARS of killing bees! Friend, help SAVE BEES and DEMAND the EPA ban toxic pesticides by 11:59pm TONIGHT! >>

There are 90% fewer American bumblebees today than there were just two and a half decades ago. Widespread use of neonics is POISONING the nectar that bees need. If current trends continue, we could be among the last generation to share the Earth with many wild bee species, Friend.

This doesn’t have to be the case -- and banning neonic pesticides would be a BIG step towards making sure it isn’t. But the EPA won’t act unless it hears from people like you. Every second that we waste, more bees are dying, Friend. We need 8,394 more signatures to hit our signature goal to the EPA to help protect bees, people, and the planet from toxic pesticides. Please add your name!

Standing with you,
Kendra Klein
Deputy director of science,
Friends of the Earth
