
When the Senate acquitted President Trump on February 5, some believed that Trump had learned from the impeachment process. His behavior proves otherwise.

Since the conclusion of the Senate’s impeachment trial, Trump has ousted Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman and EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland from their positions in clear retaliation for testifying in the impeachment hearings, and Barr’s Department of Justice stepped in to reduce the recommended sentence for Trump ally Roger Stone following a tweet from the president calling the prosecutors’ sentencing “horrible and very unfair.”

This is the behavior of an autocrat or a tyrant. Since taking office, President Trump has repeatedly pressured the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute political adversaries. He is quick to accuse his political opponents and critics of treason. In the past, many of his efforts failed because officials ignored or declined to carry out his instructions. But most of those officials have since left the government, and Attorney General William Barr is willing, if not eager, to do Trump’s bidding.

Sign the Petition: Tell the House Judiciary Committee to open a new impeachment inquiry against Trump and Barr.

Barr, like President Trump, has abused his power to selectively investigate individuals seen to be political rivals of, or threats to, President Trump, and to protect President Trump, his allies, and his interests. Since assuming office just one year ago, the Attorney General has obstructed Congress and interfered with ongoing investigations and, now, appears to be interfering in ongoing court cases.

Congress should open an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Barr to consider whether to recommend articles of impeachment pertaining to the Attorney General’s abuses of power, and to consider whether the Attorney General’s actions, carried out at the behest of the president, implicate additional abuses of power by President Trump.

Tell the House Judiciary Committee to investigate Trump and Barr’s recurring and flagrant abuses of power.

In solidarity,

Ron Fein (Legal Director, Free Speech For People)

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