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Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids.
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We’re pushing Congress to protect programs that help kids thrive. Will you join us? [[link removed]]
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Hi Friend,
The debt ceiling bill called for big budget cuts for kids — and word on Capitol Hill is that funding might be slashed even further.
It’d be a devastating outcome for children, Friend. Lifesaving programs would be less effective and accessible, putting countless futures at risk.
If you believe in a world where all kids can survive and thrive, speak out today. [[link removed]]
Congress has agreed to reduce federal spending — but that doesn’t mean they have to reduce it on the backs of children.
With such little funding, hundreds of thousands in the U.S. could lose access to child care. Nutrition programs would provide less food, including fruits and veggies, and even more unaccompanied children and families would be denied protection and asylum at our southern border.
Meanwhile, international programs would be cut by nearly a third, leaving millions of children affected by conflict, forced displacement, and climate disasters without basic food, healthcare and education, at a time of unprecedented needs.
Please, Friend, tell Congress: Kids shouldn’t pay the price for budget cuts. [[link removed]]
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Thanks for being a voice for kids,
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Christy Gleason
Executive Director
Save the Children Action Network
Kids need your voice and your compassionate support. Your donation will help hold lawmakers – from the White House to state houses – accountable to children’s needs. Please donate today – even $5 can make a difference! [[link removed]]
Save the Children Action Network | 899 North Capitol Street NE | Suite 900 | Washington
District of Columbia 20002 | (800) 243-5075
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