
One of the most exciting races in the country is taking place in Texas’ 24th Congressional district. It’s considered one of our top opportunities to pick up a seat in the House and build a bluer Texas in 2020.

We’ve endorsed Kim Olson—a retired Colonel in the US Air Force with proven leadership experience and a legacy of service. Kim was one of the first women to fly and instruct in fighter-type aircraft, command an operational flying squadron, lead in multiple combat zones, and rise to the rank of Colonel. Kim is running for Congress to bring honest leadership and continue her service to Texans—and she's our best shot at flipping the seat in Texas' 24th district.

Yesterday, Donald Trump endorsed Kim’s Republican opponent Beth Van Duyne. He’s helping her raise a ton of money right now, and we need your help to respond. Can you split a donation between Kim Olson’s campaign and the Serve America Victory Fund, which endorsed Kim and other veterans like her?

Trump is directly invoking veterans to justify his support of Beth Van Duyne—a candidate whose idea of keeping people safe is spreading racist anti-immigration rhetoric while Colonel Kim Olson served our nation in uniform for 28 years and fought for the dignity of veterans once they returned home through her non-profit work once they return home.

Will you have Kim Olson’s back today by rushing a contribution to be split between her campaign and the Serve America Victory Fund?

Early Voting for Kim’s primary starts in just 5 days! Anything you can give goes a long way.

Thank you,

Serve America