Join us today for Cover Alabama's call-in day in support of Medicaid expansion! Across our state, Alabamians like you are encouraging Gov. Kay Ivey to expand Medicaid and close the health coverage gap. This life-saving policy change would ensure affordable health care access for nearly 300,000 Alabamians. If you believe all Alabamians deserve access to health care, it's time to take action and let Gov. Ivey know that we stand together in support of Medicaid expansion and closing the health coverage gap.

Here’s how you can help:  

CLICK HERE to start the call process.

Enter your contact information and click “Call officials.”

Review the talking points on your screen.

Click “Call Officials” at the bottom of the screen.

Answer the phone call from 334-781-4882. You will be connected directly to Gov. Ivey's office. 

Use the script below to make your voice heard. (A real person most likely will answer, but you also can leave a voicemail.)  


Ivey Staff: Hello, Gov. Kay Ivey's office. 

YOU: Hi, my name is John and I am calling from Washington. I’m calling today because I want Governor Ivey to know that I support closing the coverage gap in Alabama. Closing the coverage gap will give more Alabama workers access to health care, keeping them in the workforce. It also will add billions of dollars to our state's economy and keep our rural hospitals open. Would you ask her to close the Medicaid coverage gap this summer?   

Ivey Staff: Thank you, I will pass that message along. 

YOU: Thank you so much. Have a good day! 


Taking action only requires two minutes, but it could change 300,000 lives for the better.


Thank you,

Debbie Smith

Cover Alabama campaign director

Alabama Arise
P.O. Box 1188  | Montgomery, Alabama 36101
(334) 832-9060 | [email protected]

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