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Wednesday, June 21st, 2023


A Rude Awokening

Tim Hartnett

FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes: Creating Criminals in Order To Arrest Them

John & Nisha Whitehead

The Invisible Side of Freedom

Donald Jeffries

Nonstop Liar Now on the Run

Tom Woods

An Unfolding Tragedy: The Impossibility of Doing ‘Anything Other’

Alastair Crooke

More Than a Million Covid Vaccine Injuries in one Database

Jon Rappoport

Our Systems Reward Dysfunction and Destruction

Caitlin Johnstone

Bilderberg Whistleblower Exposes Globalists’ Master Plan and How To Stop It

Alexandra Bruce

‘We Are Restricting Freedom … for the Common Good’: Irish Green Party Calls For Limiting Free Speech

Jonathan Turley

BlackRock Driving Business Into the Arms of the New World Order

Alex Newman

U.S. Admits Defeat in War on Russia and China

Moon of Alabama

Ukraine Is Harvesting Children’s Organs in Adrenochrome Labs

Peter Koenig

Political Theatre

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