Ground Game Texas


We are absolutely thrilled to share with you some exciting news about our organization's leadership. Our very own Catina Voellinger has been promoted to the vital role of Chief Operating Officer. She will be taking up a pivotal position in our ranks, supporting us to continue advancing our mission. 

A proud Latina, Catina embodies the rich diversity and cultural tapestry that is quintessentially Texan. Born into a family that mirrors the wide socio-economic and racial spectrum of Texas, her experiences provide a unique lens into the realities of our society. Her Latina mother, who knew the harsh realities of poverty in rural Del Valle, TX, and her father from a rural, working-class background in North East Texas, together represent the distinctive faces of our community. Their stories, and by extension Catina's, serve as a microcosm of the economic and racial disparities that persist within Texas and across the nation.

This deep-rooted understanding of the multifaceted struggles experienced by marginalized communities has driven Catina's lifelong commitment to social justice and equality. Her personal narrative, steeped in the richness of Texas' diverse cultures, has not only informed her professional journey but has fueled her dedication to championing the cause of those often left unheard.
As our previous Chief Administrative Officer, Catina demonstrated her innate ability to develop comprehensive strategies to rally diverse audiences around vital social justice initiatives.

Her commitment to advocacy is further illustrated by her co-founding of the first worker-owned political consultancy cooperative in the U.S., a bold move towards empowering campaign workers and cultivating a culture of value and respect. Serving on a campaign workers' union board has also demonstrated her ongoing commitment to workers' rights and a fair work environment.

Reflecting on her new role, Catina shared, "I believe in a world where all communities have what they need to thrive. The dichotomies of our system have always been apparent... It’s past time we knock down this oppressive system and build one centered around human dignity."

Please join us in celebrating Catina's well-deserved promotion and welcoming her to this new role. With Catina stepping into her new role, we anticipate further strides in our pursuit of social justice and advocating for underrepresented communities throughout our beloved state. 

Thank you,

Julie Oliver
Executive Director 
Ground Game Texas