URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Help hold Big Ag accountable for inhumane treatment of
innocent farm animals NOW!
It’s imperative that we keep the organic label strong to provide a necessary
alternative to factory farms that deprive helpless animals of outdoor access to fresh air, cramming them into tight spaces without enough room to move around, and even sometimes performing cruel and unnecessary physical alterations!
But for far too long, Big Ag has evaded accountability for its attempts to
weaken high-quality organic animal welfare standards. And in 2017, the Trump
administration succeeded in OVERTURNING a critical animal welfare rule that would ensure HUMANE treatment for organic livestock.
Now, we have the chance to DEMAND that the USDA enact this rule immediately, so
we need to act quickly. Will you make a donation right away to protect animals,
our food system and the planet?
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[[link removed]]Big Ag doesn’t want the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards rule to go into
effect because it doesn’t want to compete with true organic farmers for profits
-- most of whom already meet these high-quality regulations.
Corporations like Bayer have even shelled out MILLIONS OF DOLLARS attacking the organic industry and covering up the dangers of the toxic pesticides used in Big Ag farming.
Organic farmers, consumers, and animal activists overwhelmingly support the OLPS
rule, and we’re standing with them in the fight against giant meat and dairy
companies that are threatening the integrity of the organic label. We can’t let that happen, Friend. So please, give right
now and protect people and the planet from Big Ag and other polluters! >>
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[[link removed]]Thank you,
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