Join us for an important step in the fight for democracy, social justice and civil rights
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Dear John,

During this week of Juneteenth as we reflect on both slavery and freedom, we are pleased to invite the entire ADL community to join us on August 26 at the 2023 March on Washington.

ADL leaders were at the original March 60 years ago with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders to witness the historic “I Have a Dream” speech. This year we are honored to be co-chairing this momentous event which is not a commemoration, but a continuation of that landmark moment in the fight against hate and to secure justice and fair treatment for all.

Reverend Dr King at Washington Monument

ADL will join MLK’s family, the Drum Major Institute, the National Action Network, NAACP, NUL, LCCHR, Lawyers Committee, NAACP LDF, NCNW, The National Coalition, Unidos and AAJC in marching and speaking out for civil rights and against hate.

We will be deeply involved in helping to set the March program and policy agenda as well as lead Jewish communal participation to show support for our partners in the fight for democracy, social justice and civil rights.

Please click here to register for the March. We will follow up with logistics and travel information shortly.

I want to March on Washington

As the nation reckons with historic levels of violent hate crimes and threats to our democracy, we must join together in Washington with our allies to Fight Hate for Good.

I hope you’ll be there with me on August 26.

JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. We recognize that the March is on Shabbat and that many, including some at ADL, may be observant and would not work on Shabbat. However, this March gives us an opportunity “to pray with our feet” in the spirit of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. For ADL participants who are Shabbat observant, we are developing plans to help facilitate your participation and will share those details soon.