Friend—I’m running for Congress in a very dense, urban area in the heart of Los Angeles.
Many of the issues my community faces are different from those representatives of rural areas would face—but many more of them are exactly the same.
Rural Americans need affordable housing. Rental housing options are declining in rural areas, and a disproportionate number of existing rural housing options are substandard, overcrowded, and unaffordable. Rural America needs Housing for All just as much as people in urban areas.
People in rural areas need healthcare. Rural areas are more isolated from medical centers, fitness facilities, and high quality foods. With no national health system, there’s no capitalistic incentive to reach these people on the margins. Rural areas need Medicare for All.
Finally, rural Americans need environmental justice. Farmers are the backbone of the USA, and their crops and livelihoods are destroyed when heat waves and flooding tears through the nation. Without farmers, we would all starve.
I’m running for Congress to represent an urban area, but I would legislate for all Americans. I hope I could appeal to the humanity and empathy of my rural colleagues in Congress to address issues that city folk are facing, too.
In solidarity,