![]() Patriot, There is no end to the Surveillance State until you and I put an end to it. Your Campaign for Liberty has fought the statists tooth and nail ever since our founding nearly 15 years ago. After a prolonged, hard-fought battle, you and I forced the expiration of some of the worst provisions in the so-called “USA Freedom Act” (formerly known as the “Patriot Act”) several years ago. Unfortunately, in the years since that victory, we’ve learned much of the government’s digital spying on Americans like you and me has been moved to the private sector. Today, the Deep State has another weapon in their war on your privacy rights under the Fourth Amendment: simply buying your private, personal information from “data brokers” after Big Tech companies aggressively collect and sell it to the federal government for profit. The millions of Americans who have signed up for Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and countless other social networks and phone apps are now being tracked without a warrant by government snoops. Just days ago, a new report revealed that government agencies – including the FBI, DHS, and NSA – have amassed huge caches of sensitive and intimate data on law-abiding Americans by simply purchasing huge troves of their personal data from Big Tech companies. No judge is needed to compel government snoops to present evidence before they can spy on you . . . they just buy your sensitive data freely. In other words, they’re buying up all of your private details – like where you shop, who you visit, how often you attend church or political events – and paying for it with your tax dollars. Hold the FBI accountable: BAN their unconstitutional purchase, collection, and
storage of citizens' data without a warrant Patriot, the Fourth Amendment is not for sale. But the Deep State has outsourced surveillance to private companies that range from Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and even the apps we install on our phones. All of these companies are tracking us constantly, collecting much more data than most people realize, and then selling it through “data brokers” to the federal government, without a warrant being obtained. They get away with it by calling the data “publicly available information” – even though this data is not available to you! The Deep State and government authoritarians are attempting to further crack down and target innocent Americans on what we say and do online. They want to brand “Trump supporters, libertarians, and Christian conservatives” as “Domestic Violent Extremists” (DVE’s) simply for their political views and target them for harassment and even prosecution. And we’re even finding out the Pentagon has its “Protective Services Battalion” using sophisticated surveillance tools to spy on American citizens, monitoring social media to identify “negative sentiment” regarding its high-ranking officials and “protect” them from threats that include “embarrassment.” On top of it all, experts note the data is sold as “anonymized” – because the information that identifies specific people is removed – but it is easily de-anonymized by the Deep State agencies using all of the other data they have (including the data they illegally obtained through unlawful FISA requests.) ![]() Hold the FBI
accountable: BAN their unconstitutional purchase, collection, and storage of citizens' data without a warrant Campaign for Liberty is fighting the surveillance state on all fronts – from their countless FISA abuses, to their political manipulation, to their taxpayer-funded buy-up of your private personal information. But we need your help to fully restore the Fourth Amendment before it’s too late! Americans must demand their privacy back, DEMAND the Fourth Amendment be followed, and expose the bad actors who are endlessly tracking innocent Americans to line their pockets. After you sign your directive to BAN the FBI’s unconstitutional buy-up of your personal data, please help us reach more American patriots to defend the Constitution with a generous contribution. Whether you can make a major contribution of $200 or more, or chip in a contribution of $35 or less, every bit helps. We are only able to keep up the fight because of your continued support. Even if you cannot contribute, please send your directive right now. It only takes a moment, and unlike the Big Tech companies, we never disclose your private personal information – to anyone, much less the Deep State. Thank you for everything you do to defend and restore liberty in this difficult time. Sincerely, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty P.S. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Right now, the Deep State government is running roughshod over our rights. They’ve been caught time after time. And each time, the statists offer up a weak apology only to break the rules and stomp on the Constitution again and again. Now the FBI, NSA, DHS, and other bureaucratic spy agencies think they can circumvent the law by buying data on you and me rather than just outright taking it from big tech and big telco. You and I must stand up to the statists NOW. Sign your directive to ban the FBI’s unconstitutional buy-up of your personal data. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. After you’ve signed your directive, please consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |