Yes. Just $1.

Ilhan for Congress


That's the amount we're asking you to chip in to show you stand with Ilhan Omar today.

Yes. Just $1.

Your $1 contribution will make sure our people-powered campaign has the resources we NEED to fight back against Kevin McCarthy, the right-wing super PACs, and everything the GOP will throw our way this campaign cycle.

Your $1 contribution will also mean Ilhan can put up the best fundraising numbers possible ahead of this month's official FEC deadline — when we're legally required to disclose the number of donations we've received this quarter.

And your $1 contribution will show that you're a part of a grassroots movement of progressives all across the country who stand with our collective fight for justice.

A $1 contribution today might not seem like it'll make that big of a difference, but we're here to tell you that it will.

That's because by the time you read this part of the email, lots of people have already chipped in their $1. Now they're hoping you'll do the same.

That's the ask. $1. What do you say?

Use this link to make a $1 donation to stand with Ilhan Omar today. No matter how big or small your contribution, every single dollar sends an unmistakable message about the strength of the movement we're building together.


Thank you,

Team Ilhan



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033