Support us as we close out our fiscal year
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It’s no secret that “social justice” is a vexed term.
Woke politics is on the march. Misguided environmental, social, and corporate governance (“ESG”) guidelines determine the fate of too many businesses. And special interests try to enrich themselves under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) training seminars.
We oppose the ideologically progressive notions of social justice that I just described, and our just released book, Is Social Justice Just? ([link removed]) , provides a sober critique.
In the foreword, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson decries the progressive ideologies that animate today’s social justice movement, which he calls a “tarantula.” He writes, “The authors of the present volume dissect the tarantula and lay it bare….Perhaps their work will do something to protect us all from the poisonous fangs of the narcissists of compassion.”
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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson with Independent Institute CEO & Chairman Mary L. G. Theroux at the 2019 event “An Evening with Jordan B. Peterson: The Meaning and Reality of Individual Sovereignty” ([link removed])
Yet, like you, we do believe in justice. Like you, we hunger to live in a just world and work constantly, in ways great and small, to promote justice. Justice surely applies to the social realm, too. But, how?
Is Social Justice Just? ([link removed]) answers this question, bringing together some of the best and brightest academics of our time.
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Armed with ample evidence from real-world experiences, lessons from history, the wisdom of the classics, modern philosophers and economists, and even the teachings of world religions, this is a timely and urgent work.
Pursuing justice in the social realm is fraught with peril. There are so many ways to do it wrong, but this book provides some helpful pathways to do it right.
This book will do good for our country…
…But we need your help to get it in front of the right audience.
Is Social Justice Just? ([link removed]) is a book that engages thoughtful readers across the political spectrum. So is all our work at the Independent Institute.
As our fiscal year ends on June 30th, we gratefully appreciate your consideration of a gift to Independent.
Your tax-deducible contribution ([link removed]) of $50, $100, $500—or whatever you can give–will help us reach and engage new adherents for a more thoughtful and more just society!
Thank you for your kind consideration!
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Robert Whaples
Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute
Editor of Is Social Justice Just? ([link removed])
Editor of The Independent Review ([link removed])
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