After finally being indicted for stealing national security secrets, Donald Trump and his surrogates aren't hiding their fascist ambitions to take over the country and seize total power — pledging to purge the justice department and threatening violence if Trump is held accountable for his crimes. That's why Our Revolution is scaling up our Fight Fascism Fund. Can we count on you to rush a donation to help us fight rising fascism before it's too late? While corporate Democrats dilly-dally and obsess over trivial nonsense, Donald Trump and his movement are gearing up to destroy the rule of law, crush working families, and install a fascist dictator in the White House. Donald Trump is so dangerous because he can successfully pose as a populist while pursuing policies that impoverish workers, slash safety protections, destroy our environment, and undermine our democracy. John, we aren’t going to sugarcoat it: Trump’s escalating authoritarianism could end in a dark place if we don't organize to fight back. Can we count on you to pitch in to our Fight Fascism Fund?
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When we organize, we win. Our Revolution 