Refuse Fascism Episode 160 uploaded June 18: Sam Goldman interviews Stephen Vladeck, law professor and author of the NY Times bestseller, The Shadow Docket, How the Supreme Court Uses Stealth Rulings to Amass Power and Undermine the Republic
Then, we talk to Julian Gonzalez, senior legislative counsel Earth
Justice about the recent ruling that undermines the Clean Water Act and
related attacks on the environment coming from the Supreme Court.

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Stephen Vladeck: Over the last generations, we've seen the court able to claim more and more power, we've seen the executive able to claim more and more power. To me the shadow docket is in many ways a symptom of a broader disease and that's where the disease is just un-accountability.
Julian Gonzalez: You have rivers on fire, you have rampant sewage pollution, you're already seeing some states move to weaken their own environmental laws in the wake of Sackett v EPA, this dispute about what waters the EPA can regulate under the Clean Water Act. It's a very much a culture war issue at this point.
Saturday June 24, marks one year since the illegitimate Trump-packed fascist Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, ripping away nationwide abortion rights. Join the the Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights contingent at the Womens' March in Washington, D.C. raising the demand LEGAL ABORTION ON DEMAND & WITHOUT APOLOGY NATIONWIDE & EVERYWHERE! Declaring Forced Motherhood = Female Enslavement -- Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights
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