Dear friends,
June has arrived and for us at UNITED it means the returning of our campaign against Refugee Deaths. As you may know, this year we celebrate our network's 30th Birthday, which means also the 30th anniversary of existence of our list of Refugee Deaths.
Today our updating showed the tragic number of 52.760. 52.760 lives lost at the borders of our continent. Like every year we stand strongly against the Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe that allows this tragedy to be repeated,, every day every hour in different angles of Europe. It's been 30 years and it's easy to think that things will never change, but we don't believe it.
We will keep repeating NO MORE DEATHS! TIME FOR CHANGE as many times as needed, like thousands of people constantly do.

We are very grateful in fact for all your effort in spreading awareness about the existence of the list. using it in several artistic projects and activist actions.
For this reason we decided to dedicate this year's campaign to make people understand why our lis exist. It is in fact a standing memorial for the dignity of victis killed by deadly policies, but it's also indeed a reminder that we have the tools to avoid this tragedy by using the beautiful Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, one of the most beautiful we have.
“Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.”
This is the fortress we must defend, the values we should never compromise, the core of what humanity means.
That's why on the last day of our campaign we will share some examples of the beautiful humanity that reunite under these values, so follow us to discover them and remember that it's possible to support our list and our campaigning.
Having 400 people regularly donating the equivalent of a cup of coffee every year would be enough to sustain such an effort, so why not be part of such a mission?
You could do it via Paypal,using this link: , or directly looking for our paypal address [email protected].
It’s also possible to do it via bank transfer to Stichting UNITED IBAN: NL28INGB0002343715 (BIC: INGBNL2A)
If you’re already a donor instead, you can help us by spreading the word about the list, its purpose and how to support it, on World Refugee Day and beyond

Talking about this year Refugee Week, we are also very proud to announce that the official website for the Refugee project is finally out, together with a very nice video explaining how the project platform works and that you can find on our YouTube Channel. As usual you're also more than welcome to get in touch with us to know more about it.

Apart from our long-standing campaign though, we want to use this space to share with you some recent achievements from our Experts & Delegates, since in the past week UNITED has seen the winning in the board member elections of both Shahab Sabiq, elected within ENAR at the 22nd General Assembly in Brussels and Julie Ward, elected at the 2023 General Assembly of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum.
By chance they have been both guests at our 21st of March Activist Livestream, so we see it as very good omen for our Network! Good luck to them and we will keep you posted about their work representing our Network in these two very important fora.

Keep campaigning and #stayunited then! We'll speak soon and have a good #WorldRefugeeDay