GOC has said it before and we will say it again:  the 2A community is the most terrific group of people around.  Kind.  Generous.  Passionate.  On the heels of yet another awesome GOC event in Norther

GOC has said it before and we will say it again:  the 2A community is the most terrific group of people around.  Kind.  Generous.  Passionate.  On the heels of yet another awesome GOC event in Northern California, we are humbled, thankful and proud to stand with you in defense of the Second Amendment. Thanks for supporting our efforts in the Legislature – the Courts and the Elections! KEEP IT COMING!

Meanwhile, our President is eager to make millions of Americans felons. Why? Watch his reasons for doing so HERE.  And this is the leader of the free world? Details on this below.

Speaking of Biden and his anti-gun administration, 20 heavily armed IRS agents stormed a Montana gun store because they thought he’d underreported income.  20 armed IRS agents for a financial matter.  Let that baby sink in; if it can happen in Montana, it can happen anywhere.  Story below.

Plus, check out GOC’s latest on Newsom’s Impossible Scheme to amend the US Constitution with a bunch of gun-control garbage.  He’s smoking the funny stuff if he thinks this is going anywhere – read about it HERE!

Why Anti-Gunners Aren't Backing Newsom's Amendment | Bearing Arms
When anti-gunners don’t agree…you should realize it's ridiculous!

LA City Council Arrests Shows ‘Criminals for Gun Control’ Mentality| AmmoLand
A great piece that exposes the total corruption of the anti-gun LA City Council.

California: Merchant Category Code Legislation Introduced | AmmoLand
GOC is keeping a sharp eye on this recently amended bill.

San Francisco Supervisors Introduce Local "Carry Killer" Ordinance | Bearing Arms
You’d think they’d have more worries than law-abiding gun owners exercising 2A rights.

‘Smart Gun’ Inventor Says Why He Wants CA’s Gun-Control Law Struck Down | The Reload
Interesting read about the “Smart Gun” inventor.

Survey: 54% of Protestant Churches Rely on Armed Congregants | Ammoland
No two ways about it:  this is a smart move.

McCarthy Argues Newsom Proposal A Presidential Bid | Bearing Arms
Newsom's extremist ideas just a ploy for attention.

Armed IRS Agents Seize 1000s Of Forms From Montana Gun Shop | Ammoland
They’ve gone rogue; this is outrageous.

On Juneteenth, Celebrate Legacy/Tradition Of African American Gun Ownership | Bearing Arms
Indeed – celebrate freedom!

Joe Biden Remark at Gun-Control Forum Confuses Some Viewers | Newsweek
Um, embarrassing to say the least.

Biden Might Have Said the Dumbest Thing About Firearms | Townhall
Maybe Alec Baldwin could give Biden a lesson about Firearms - LOL!

Bank of America Turns Over Information on Gun Owners to the FBI | AmmoLand
Big banks teaming up with the Feds to go after Gun Owners… What else is new?

2A Advocate Craig DeLuz To Run for CA 6th Congressional District | Bearing Arms
Always great to see 2A folks jump into the political fray.

Historical Record is Best Way to Understand the 2 A Rights | Ammoland
Understanding the foundations is important.



Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023  - Tickets on sale soon!

San Jose, TBD

Watch online at GOC to see when tickets go on sale!



Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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