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Pew Research Center
Journalism & Media
February 13, 2020

Daily Briefing of Media News share on Twitter

In Today's news: Newspaper publisher McClatchy files for bankruptcy, Minnesota newspaper challenges a decision to seal juror names in court case, and a Tennessee lawmaker introduces an amendment to recognize CNN and the Washington Post as “fake news.”
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Newspaper giant McClatchy files for bankruptcy, hobbled by debt and declining print revenue

Paper challenges sealing of juror names in Minnesota trial

Tennessee Republican bids to classify CNN and Washington Post as ‘fake news’

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The Daily Briefing of Media News is edited by Amy Mitchell and Katerina Eva Matsa and compiled by Pew Research Center staff, including: Michael Barthel, Jeffrey Gottfried, Elizabeth Grieco, Maya Khuzam, Elisa Shearer, Galen Stocking, Mason Walker and Kirsten Worden.