Failure to report hundreds of millions in foreign gifts & contracts
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DOE Launches Investigations Into Harvard and Yale ([link removed]) Failure to report hundreds of millions in foreign gifts & contracts Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Uptick in Arrests of Neo-Nazis Plotting Violent Attacks ([link removed]) The arrests come amid a surge in white supremacist activity on campuses Read and Share ([link removed])
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At Least 3 Federal Agencies Investigating Ilhan Omar ([link removed]) Silence by the mainstream media Read ([link removed])
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Top UFC Manager: A Tale of Espionage & Terrorism ([link removed]) A Hollywood-like story in the world of Mixed Martial Arts Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Turkey’s New ‘Marry Your Rapist’ Bill ([link removed])
“Women in the U.S. think they have restricted rights?”
- S.B.
Dems Propose Radical Immigration Act ([link removed])
“Of course they do, they are losing their bribed voters”
- K.I.
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