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As I have traveled the state listening to Hoosiers, the question I most often hear is: Why? 

Why am I running for Governor? 

For me, it’s quite simple. As the son and grandson of preachers, I take to heart the words from the Book of James, that faith without works is dead.  I’m a businessman, not a career politician. I have spent my career putting actions ahead of words. I’ve worked to help Hoosiers succeed, improve their communities, and create a better future for their children. As Governor, this will continue to be my mission every day.

We don’t need the dysfunction coming out of Washington, D.C. to bleed over into Indiana. Our next Governor needs to be focused on solving the problems of Indiana families, not more Washington gridlock. As Governor, I will be committed to putting results ahead of political fights.

Finally, as a product of small town Indiana, I believe in that way of life. I believe in their promise and their potential. That’s why I have a bold plan to help small cities, counties, and towns not just survive, but thrive. As Governor, I will restore and rejuvenate our small towns and rural communities to bring jobs back to Main Street.

As I explain my “why” to people, they have overwhelmingly joined our team. People are ready for bold leadership and better ideas. To be able to implement this bold vision, we must win - and to win, we must have the resources necessary to take this vision to voters in every corner of the state. 

Can we count on you today? We have an extremely important deadline on June 30. By making an investment today, you will show the strength of our support, and help us carry our vision to voters in communities across Indiana. 

You can make your investment here. 
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Thank you for your consideration, your encouragement and your prayers throughout this journey. We couldn’t do it without friends like you.

- Eric Doden

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