June 12 marked seven years since the tragic shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. This tragedy was felt by many, but for the Latinx and LGBTQ community, the loss and shock was incalculable. Founded in the wake of the events at Pulse nightclub, onePULSE Foundation was established to commemorate the lives lost and support survivors.
onePULSE Foundation established the 49 Legacy Scholarships to commemorate those lost and to honor their respective interests, careers, and aspirations — these scholarships are available exclusively to support LGBTQ young people. To LGBTQ young people, Sam says: “You are seen, you are valid, and you are loved. You are part of a community with a history of resilience. As the next generation of the LGBTQIA+ community, it is your responsibility to continue to fight for what is right. Our promise at onePULSE Foundation is ‘We will not let hate win.’ We hope you will join us in that promise.”
The Foundation also operates the onePULSE Academy, which promotes acceptance, inclusion, and remembrance. And the newest project they are working on is to construct the National Pulse Memorial and Museum, which will preserve the memories of those lost, promoting healing and unity.