What you need to know today.
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Happy Monday! More impeachment articles [[link removed]] have been filed against Biden.
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Blinken Trip Makes No Sense
Secretary of State Antony Blinken commenced his visit to China [[link removed]]in hopes of opening a dialogue as tensions remain high, and trust hits an all-time low between Washington and Beijing.
The World is Over Woke Agenda
Protestants and Catholics protested an L.A. Dodgers baseball game [[link removed]] that included a presentation honoring an activist LGTBTQ group.
Are They Spying on You?
New details have emerged on the U.S. government spying on citizens [[link removed]] following the release of a bombshell report.
God Save Who?
After warning the crowd they could be liable for the actions of people who steal their cars, Biden said, “ God save the Queen, man” [[link removed]]— despite Queen Elizabeth II being dead since 2022 and being replaced by a king.
Victory Against Biden
A group of Maine lobstermen won a big legal victory [[link removed]] in their lawsuit against the Biden administration over regulations they said threatened their livelihood.
Let's have a good laugh [[link removed]]!
How many Democrats [[link removed]]does it take?It's a secret [[link removed]].It's in the eyes [[link removed]].It shoots blanks [[link removed]]. [[link removed]]
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