UNICEF stands for children, regardless of politics. With the 2020 primary season officially underway, it's on us to make sure children are at the center of the conversation.
We believe every child in America has the right to quality health, education and protection — no matter what. Our youth need to be listened to and heard.
You're clearly a passionate advocate for children, Friend. That's why we need your help putting childrens' needs front and center in this election.
Friend, ask the 2020 presidential candidates to share their vision for children >>
Children are 25 percent of the U.S. population, but 100 percent of our future. Let's make this election about them.
Thank you for your support,
Anucha Browne
Chief Engagement, Advocacy and Global Program Officer
P.S. For more ways to take action and put children first, visit our Advocacy Action Center >>
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