This Father's Day, Indivar Dutta-Gupta reflects on the importance of caregiving and the need for support for fathers and all parents in their role as caregivers. Drawing from personal experiences with his own father and as a father himself, Dutta-Gupta highlights the double standards and gendered expectations that hinder families from meeting their complex caregiving needs 



All I Want for Father's Day is Paid Leave and Support for Caregiving

This Father's Day, Indivar Dutta-Gupta reflects on the importance of caregiving and the need to support for fathers and all parents in their role as caregivers. Drawing from personal experiences with his own father and as a father himself, Dutta-Gupta highlights the double standards and gendered expectations that hinder families from meeting their complex caregiving needs.

The lack of affordable child care, national paid leave, and paid sick days exacerbates existing inequities, leaving many families unsupported. Dutta-Gupta, who’s been engaged with the newly formed Congressional Dads Caucus, argues for national policies that prioritize caregiving, recognizing that caregiving investments benefit children and society as a whole.

Gender equity and the status of women and non-binary individuals are intertwined with ensuring that fathers have the necessary support for caregiving. As a nation, we could and should promote policies such as the Child Tax Credit, paid leave, and child care assistance that provide meaningful choices for all families, rather than forcing them to make impossible decisions between work and caring for their children.

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