
June 18, 2023

Dear John:


This week, House Republicans colleagues passed H.J. Res 44 to overturn the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives' (ATF) rule that forces law-abiding gun owners to dispose of or register their firearms with stabilizing braces.


Millions of sportsmen with disabilities, many of them veterans, use stabilizing braces in order to shoot firearms they would otherwise be unable to hold. The ATF rule under this administration makes many of those people felons. I adamantly oppose this rule. It is another example of how Democrats are trying to chip away at the 2nd Amendment rights of law abiding citizens. I am here to protect the constitutional rights of Americans, not restrict them.



Save Our Gas Stoves Act

As part of their radical "Green New Deal" agenda, Democrats are attempting to ban gas-powered cooking appliances. In February, the Department of Energy issues a proposed rule that, if finalized, would set maximum annual energy consumption standards for electric and gas cooktops manufactured and sold. This would burden families with high electricity bills and costly appliances.

This week, House Republicans voted to stop the Department of Energy from dictating what kind of stoves Americans are allowed to use in their own homes and stop the Consumer Products Safety Commission from imposing any standards that would be a de facto ban on gas stoves.

Build It In America Act

The Ways & Means Committee has talked with farmers, workers, job creators, and families from across the country and they have been telling us they want Congress to invest in America. This week, we passed the Build It In America Act out of Committee to do just that. This bill promotes American jobs and manufacturing by extending 100% expensing. It repeals Democrats' superfund tax on petroleum, lowering the price at the pump. It uses a tax rule to block countries like China from being able to purchase American farm land. And, it encourages supply chains to get out of China by rolling back Biden's misguided foreign tax credits regulations that favor countries like China and Russia.

Congressional Baseball Game for Charity

We had a great time cheering on House Republicans and my dear friend, Congressman Brad Finstad at the Congressional Baseball Game for Charity! Republicans dominated, beating the Democrats 16-6 and almost $2 million was raised for local charities.



Fall Internships

My office is now accepting Fall internship applications for my Willmar, Moorhead, and D.C. offices. If you are interested in first-hand knowledge of how federal legislation works or know someone who is, please visit my website!


Thanks for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help.


Happy Father's Day!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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