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Hello, True Texans!
We've now completed 27 of our 43 events for June! Yes, FORTY-THREE EVENTS ACROSS 19 LOCATIONS! Are we cRaZy?!? Nah...Just crazy for TEXAS! There are 12 events this week, and then only 4 the last week, so if you have missed out, there's still time to jump in now! Scroll down for all the details.
This is a good time to remind you of my favorite saying:
Make. Your. Life. Count. "No regerts!" (That's one of my family's favorite sayings, and then we just laugh and laugh and laugh!)
I'll look forward to running into you at some of these great events as we work to build the True Texas army. You can introduce me to the friends you invited!
Oh, Those Reps...
There's a good reason why we are harder on the Republicans than Democrats. Those Rs are such liars! We know they're gonna come home to tell you it was the most conservative session ever (we know because they always do). Here's a good reply:
1. You killed every bill to secure the border.
2. You passed the largest spending increase in Texas history. Read about it here.
3. You had a chance to end property taxes due to a huge over-collection of my money. Instead you spent the vast majority of it and will throw crumbs towards property tax relief. Those crumbs do not constitute the most conservative session.
And that was just a very short list to keep it simple. Wanna learn more about what didn't pass? Check out this list of nearly 50 conservative bills they killed.
Simply put, these guys (and gals) deserve the disgust in our voices when we spit out the word "politician." They better be careful... elections are right around the corner, and our True Texas army is educating more and more voters every day.
Check out this tweet made by State Rep Justin Holland (R-Rockwall). Yes, he really said this!
Boy, did he kick up a storm. He's basically telling the Texas grassroots activists (you and me) to take a hike. When confronted, he's only dug in his heels. Luckily he has a challenger... someone on the TTP Leadership team for our Rockwall satellite, Dennis London. Let's see how this plays out! Meanwhile, we've called for all State Reps to condemn Justin's statement. Of course they won't because they nearly all agree with him.
Here's some good news for once! Not only did TTP activist Laura Pritchett win the race for the Tarrant County College Board, look at this win the current board just had. Way to go, Shannon Wood!
Our new satellite for the Katy Area had some good news as well. Check out this story Brett Whaley posted on our chat page:
Security at my building put up a Juneteenth display (which I have no problem with). They decorate for most holidays and, typically, do a nice job. However, they posted a sign with the Juneteenth display crossing out July 4th, 1776, and January 1st, 1863, leaving Juneteenth untouched. I was hesitant to say anything for fear of being labeled, but I knew I would kick myself if I didn't, so I emailed the building manager. Looks like I got a compromise, and they covered the crossed out dates on the sign. Good enough for me. Glad I said something, and I hope to be able to join a meeting at some point.
Thanks for speaking up, Brett!
Also from Tarrant County, here's a little more reading you may appreciate with quotes from Fran and myself about the Democrats attacking our county's election integrity efforts. They are so afraid of accountability... ya just gotta wonder why!
Fran's Lege Update
The drama in the Texas Legislature continues! On the same day that the 88th session ended, Governor Abbott called the first of many special sessions to address property tax relief and human trafficking.
18 days in to the 30 day special session, nothing has been accomplished! The House passed HB1 (their version of tax relief) and HB2, (increasing penalties for human trafficking). Then they adjourned Sine Die (which means they're not coming back til the next special session is called).
The Senate is refusing to take up HB1 because it doesn't include the homestead exemptions the Senate wanted, so it's going nowhere; and HB2 was adopted by the Senate but with amendments, and since the House adjourned Sine Die, they cannot debate and approve the amended version, so it's going nowhere.
Are you getting the picture?
Lt Governor Patrick, in a statement to Texas Scorecard has said his "good faith" with the speaker is broken.
“For the last night of session, there was a disagreement over two bills, and they said, ‘If you’ll pass our bill, we’ll pass yours.’ We passed their bill in good faith, and they killed ours. So, my good faith with the speaker is kind of broken,” said Patrick.
And then on Friday, the Governor, in an attempt to sway the Senate to his demands, VETOED 16 Senate bills with the following statement on each veto: “At this time, the legislature must concentrate on delivering property tax cuts to Texans. This bill can be reconsidered at a future special session only after property tax relief is passed,”
Clearly NOTHING is going to get done in this special session since the House has adjourned, and the Governor and Lt Governor are fighting. So I guess we wait for ANOTHER special on the same topics. We sit and watch the war between the House and the Senate and the Governor continue. The 16 vetoes mean that we spent time and resources getting bills appropriately passed by both chambers, but since the Governor didn't get his way on property taxes, we'll have to bring all of them back and do it again in a special session in the future.
I wish I could give you some action items to address these things, but honestly, with the Governor, the House and Senate locking horns like this, I have no idea what to do! Maybe ask the Governor to stop throwing temper tantrums? Maybe pressure Speaker Phelan to work better with the Senate to accomplish something - anything? Senate members' hands are tied because the House is not in session, and House members who would like to be working and cooperating with Senate are not allowed to do so because the House has adjourned. Maybe prayer is the best solution to this problem, so let's try that.
Do me a favor. Please send me pics of you and your friends smiling in your TTP shirts and hats, or in front of a TTP banner, or working a campaign. When you send them, please include what TTP satellite you are in.
Just reply to this email with your pics!
This week at True Texas Project...
We have to say, this month's speaker lineup is one for the books, so invite your friends and neighbors. You can always see our upcoming events by checking the Events page at this linkbut below is a complete list of the week ahead.
Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing! (If that doesn't work from your phone, get to a laptop, or capture a screenshot that you can enlarge.)
Do a search for "True Texas Education Corporation," and then click on it to make TTE the recipient of your donations!
Kroger does get a pretty low score from Second Vote (a website that ranks how left-leaning a vendor is). Their score is even lower than HEB if you can imagine that! But hey... sometimes you don't have a lot of options, so when you do shop there, at least make sure some of that money is going to a good cause. ;-)
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