ACEH is seeking a Coordinated Entry Manager!
The Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness is hiring for a new Coordinated Entry (CE) Manager. The CE Manager serves as primary lead orchestrator and coordinator of efforts to implement and manage the ongoing operations of the Anchorage Coordinated Entry System (CES) for those who experience homelessness. The Anchorage CES seeks to streamline services within the Homeless Response System (HRS) for both those accessing and those providing services. CES is a community-wide, collaborative effort, led by ACEH/Anchorage Continuum of Care (CoC) as the coordinating entity for Anchorage. CES is designed and implemented to optimize the current network of homelessness services and housing resources by maximizing connectivity to resources. This is a management-level position. The CE Manager is not positioned to directly serve clients, but rather oversee staff who work at the client level.
To learn more visit our website to view the Coordinated Entry Manager job posting.