a historic 24 hours for our campaign

Friends -

We are just a few hours away from closing the books on a historic 24 hours for our campaign.

I know we’ve sent a number of emails since last night’s victory. No doubt about it. At all.

But please know it is these emails that fund our campaign, and if a few emails are the price we have to pay to elect a president who doesn’t have to beg a bunch of billionaires to get into office, then we sincerely hope it’s worth it.

So when you see us win more votes than any candidate in Iowa, when you see us win New Hampshire, and when you see us win in Nevada next week, it is these emails that make it happen.

Now, we’re hoping for a HUGE number of donations before midnight to close out this 24 hours, and this email — this ask — is one of the most important of the campaign to date.

Can you please make your first $2.70 contribution to our campaign before this midnight deadline?

This campaign is historic. No other campaign in American history has relied on individual donations like this one. But it’s the one you make today that will carry us to victory in the states that follow.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager