Major victory for the NO BAN Act to end the Muslim Ban!

Dear Friend,

Just a few hours ago, I left the Capitol, exhausted yet exhilarated. Earlier today, the House Judiciary Committee officially voted to move the NO BAN Act to a full vote in the House of Representatives! 

This bill is so important ⁠— not just for what it does, but for what it means for American Muslims. It would stop the Muslim Ban and likely be the first ever to specifically vindicate the rights of American Muslims.

As I sat in that chamber, I had a flashback to a few months ago, when the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, spoke about the cruelty of the Muslim Ban at our annual gala. We were honored to have him join us that evening because we knew he had the commitment and capacity to make this bill a reality — and because he, along with NO BAN Act champions Reps. Lofgren, Jayapal, Chu and Rose needed all of our support along the way.

This is just one of the countless ways that we’ve worked side-by-side with elected officials for years to get this bill passed.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler speaks at our 2019 annual gala

It’s hard to believe how much work it’s taken to get to this point. Our team at Muslim Advocates, the NO BAN Act Coalition that we organize, and our friends in Congress have worked tirelessly to help write and introduce this bill, build its list of co-sponsors, see it through a hearing, push for today’s vote and — soon — have it passed through the House of Representatives.

But we’re not done yet. This is just one step in a long march toward justice. We’ll be updating you with additional information as soon as we have it. In the meantime, we’ll continue fighting, because I know that, together, we will win.


Naheed Qureshi
Deputy Director
Muslim Advocates

PS - Watch this very special thank you message from Farhana Khera, our Executive Director, minutes after the bill passed the Committee!

Click on the image below to watch:

This Historic Day in Photographs
