URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell President Biden to protect 1.1 MILLION acres surrounding the iconic Grand Canyon! Add your signature now!
The Grand Canyon region provides opportunities for outdoor experiences and traditional uses of all types -- from hiking, hunting, fishing, and camping to Tribal uses like plant and firewood gathering. It’s also an enormous tourist destination, bringing millions of dollars into local economies every year.
But uranium mining has already contaminated ground and surface water in the region -- including drinking water! It’s also created toxic air pollution and destroyed lands valued by Tribes, who have been hit hardest by this destructive industry. Tribal groups are asking President Biden to make a national monument designation to prevent uranium mining from damaging the Grand Canyon region! Will you help amplify Tribal voices and urge President Biden to PROTECT the Grand Canyon region by 11:59 pm TONIGHT? >>
The proposed monument contains historical and cultural sites: from ancient settlements to rock carvings -- some of which are more than 13,000 years old! Many of these places are significant to Tribes today.
The region is also home to tremendous biological diversity and numerous threatened, endangered, and rare species, including dozens of species of plants and invertebrates that are only found locally or regionally. Critical habitat for the endangered California condor and Mexican spotted owl would be protected under this designation.
Please, Friend, take just 30 seconds to help us get a national monument designation for Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon. If just 1 of every 8 people reading this email adds their signature, we can hit our ambitious goal. Add your name by 11:59 pm TONIGHT!
Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuels and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth