They finally got something right.
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The liberal media is now calling me the “anti-AOC”.

I’ll happily wear that label as a badge of honor.

AOC and her fellow socialists hate everything about America. They want to completely tear down our country and fundamentally transform it into a tyrannical far-Left dystopia.

Meanwhile, I’ve made it my mission to stop their radical, freedom-crushing agenda by DRAINING THE SWAMP and making Washington accountable to YOU once again.

John, will you stand with me today to help me stop these radical socialists who are hell-bent on DESTROYING our country?

Please make a contribution to support my campaign as I fight to defend your freedom from far-Left radicals like AOC and her socialist squad.







As an America-loving, pro-Trump conservative, I’m everything that AOC and her socialist squad HATE.

They believe in big-government socialism. I believe in limited government and the free market.

AOC and her colleagues are fighting to take away your Second Amendment rights, censor you, and force their woke agenda down your throat.

I’m fighting to defend ALL your constitutional rights, shatter Biden’s left-wing censorship regime, and STOP the Left’s woke agenda in its tracks.

While they want to spend TRILLIONS of your money to fund the radical Green New Deal and destroy thousands of good-paying American jobs, I want to invest in American energy.

To put it simply, my agenda puts Americans FIRST.

AOC and her socialists put Americans LAST.

John, as we fight to defend our razor-thin House majority from these radicals, support from grassroots Americans like YOU is absolutely essential.

Without it, we don’t stand a chance of competing with the BILLIONS that George Soros and liberal megadonors are spending to BUY our elections in 2024.

So please, make a contribution to support my campaign as I fight to defend your freedom from far-Left radicals like AOC and her socialist squad.

Thank you,

Anna Paulina Luna
Congresswoman (FL-13)
U.S. Air Force Veteran

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Anna Paulina Luna for Congress, PO Box 23064, St. Petersburg, FL 33742, United States

Contributions to Anna Paulina Luna for Congress are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by Anna Paulina Luna for Congress