From Immigration Info - <[email protected]>
Subject A message from our CEO
Date June 17, 2023 1:46 PM
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A message from the desk of our CEO, James Massa

Hi John,

I believe it is important that you, our valued member activist and financial supporter, periodically hear directly from me and our leaders how NumbersUSA is working on behalf of you and all Americans.

I am excited to share some highlights of the NumbersUSA activism, advocacy and public engagements currently in progress that you have facilitated and supported. Better Immigration is Possible (and needed!). I hope that you will be as energized as I am in knowing all that our Team is doing to further the NumbersUSA mission for achieving sensible immigration numbers and reform:

&#9733; NumbersUSA Hill Team

Director of Government Relations, Rosemary Jenks, and Chief of Staff, Grant Newman, provided considerable collaborative guidance and direction that culminated in the House of Representatives passing H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act. They are now working with the Homeland Security Committee, which this week released a report outlining the Causes, Costs and Consequences: Why Secretary Mayorkas Must be Investigated for His Border Crisis, to hold Mayorkas to account.

We will be posting Action Alerts to help you influence the Homeland Security Committee demand accountability from Secretary Mayorkas and the Judiciary Committee to possibly impeach Secretary Mayorkas for his abandonment of enforcing the laws passed by Congress. To financially support NumbersUSA in our efforts, you can please donate today.

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&#9733; Texas E-Verify Strategy

I recently testified before the Texas State Senate as to why E-Verify should be passed there. We were unable to get the companion bill through the Texas State House before the end of this year's legislative session. However, we have not stopped fighting to build this legal wall along the states at the southern border. We are actively working to have Governor Abbot add E-Verify to one of the several Special Sessions he has and will be calling throughout the fall. Our target is September.

&#9733; "Taking it to the States" E-Verify Campaign

Click map for more information
By spreading mandatory E-Verify throughout the states, we are creating pressure for a national mandatory E-Verify law to be adopted. Our recent WIN in Florida to have mandatory E-Verify implemented there has helped advance the "Legal Wall" we are building across the southern border states. Andrew Good, my Aide de Camp, has led analysis as to the next states for us to engage. There are 18 states that already have E-Verify. With your financial support, we can engage more states more quickly to help shut off the jobs magnet attracting illegal workers.

&#9733; Regional Conferences

Andrew at the Western Conservative Summit
Recently, Andrew and others were networking with state level leadership by hosting NumbersUSA exhibits at venues such as the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, CO, last weekend. In addition to having direct conversations with a number of elected state officials, NumbersUSA was also able to connect with allies who will be assisting us in the state of Nevada. At these forums we also get the opportunity to network with members such as you who we are pleased to hear continue to give us positive feedback about the value of being a member of NumbersUSA

If you are excited to see the Legal Wall built that will remove the jobs magnet attracting illegal workers to communities across our nation, please Donate Today
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&#9733; Back of the Hiring Line Initiative

Andre inside the House Gallery of the Illinois State Legislature
We have launched an entire initiative effort around the critically-important points made by NumbersUSA founder and former president, Roy Beck, in his landmark new book, Back of the Hiring Line: A 200 Year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias, and Depression of Black Wealth.

Andre BarnesI am pleased to introduce Andre Barnes as our new Director of this HBCU Engagement, which is the first focal area of this initiative. Andre is already making an impact for voters throughout the nation. Although focused on Historic Black Colleges and Universtities, Andre was invited to support the frustrated African-American residents of Chicago as they built their case in a lawsuit against the city for housing hundreds of poor migrants in already impoverished and struggling, predominantly African-American communities. During his engagement, the local leaders traveled with him to Springfield, IL, to meet with state of Illinois elected leaders. They quickly realized the impact is local but the problem is national: uncontrolled immigration.

Andre says of this Initiative so far:

"I am excited and encouraged by the momentum of this Initiative. It is my goal to be a trailblazer in educating and engaging, in particular, Black citizens and students and faculty at Historic Black Colleges and Universities in civil discussions about the history and policy consequences of mass immigration affecting their families and communities."

If you want to help NumbersUSA empower the influential Black voters of this nation who have been repeatedly denied the opportunities afforded others due to high legal immigration and unprecedented illegal immigration, please donate today.
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&#9733; Sustainability Initiative.

Roy Beck at EarthXEarthX Dallas 2023 NumbersUSA
In April, 2022, several NumbersUSA employees hosted a booth at the annual EarthX event in Dallas, Texas, to educate and engage with the public on the impacts and consequences of sprawl to the environment and quality of life. VP and Director of the Sustainability Initiative, Jeremy Beck, helped introduce the recently completed Texas Sprawl Study at the event. This was the most recent addition by Authors Eric Ruark, NumbersUSA Director of Research, Leon Kolancwiewicz, Scientific Director, and NumbersUSA Board Member and Founder, Roy Beck, to our national and state-specific sprawl studies. While Roy presented the Texas study at the EarthX show, NumbersUSA set its eyes on the next study, Idaho.

If you want to support NumbersUSA in its unique and impactful work to educate state and local leaders on the tragic impact of immigration on the environment, please donate today.

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Immigration by the Numbers You Tube video linkJohn, as a nonprofit, it takes considerable funding to project the influence and education needed to accomplish all that the NumbersUSA team does for you and with you on the immigration front. Thank you for your dedication as activists in sending the all-important action alerts, attending the Town Hall meetings that Van Esser, our Director of State-Level Activism notifies you of, sending and sharing our materials such as the sprawl studies and grade cards with friends and elected officials, and of course sharing Roy Beck's timeless gumballs video!

And last, but certainly not least, THANK YOU for your donations. We exist and provide services such as those above only by the generosity of donors and partners like you.

There are many ways you can financially support all that is occurring. The easiest being to give a one-time online gift by clicking on this link right now. You can also elect to set up a recurring monthly gift to either NumbersUSA Action, our non-tax-deductible fund (501c4) lobbying organization, or our tax-deductible fund, (501c3) the NumbersUSA Education & Research Foundation.

Matching Gift Program
Several of NumbersUSA's generous supporters have provided a matching "challenge" grant to the other NumbersUSA members which still has over $100,000 available to it. This means that any donation you make to NumberUSA Action 501(c)4 today will be DOUBLED by the matching funds. We hope you take advantage of this matching gift opportunity today.

I have one final item that has been asked of NumbersUSA by a growing number of members which has to do with planned giving and estate planning. We are humbled by the interest shown in this. If this is also of interest to you, please contact Christy Mullens-Shaw, Specialist to the CEO, for guidance and more information on making a legacy planned gift such as through a trust, annuity, insurance or will bequest at: [email protected] or by cell at: 304.203.8727.
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Thank you for your generous support and continued activism,

James Massa
CEO, NumbersUSA

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small, fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
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