John, this is how we make progress toward a future free from gun violence:
It's only June, but 2023 is already one of our movement's most successful years in state legislatures ever. So far, state legislatures across the U.S. have passed more gun safety policies into law than in any other session in the last five years.
- Even more states have passed critical gun safety laws like assault weapons bans, red flag laws, and laws requiring background checks on all gun sales. More than half of states now have a secure storage law.
- And we're not just passing more good laws—we're stopping the gun lobby in their tracks. From New Hampshire to Missouri to Arizona, we've successfully blocked all of the gun lobby's priorities from advancing in over a dozen states so far this year.
These victories couldn't have happened without the tireless advocacy of our Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers or our millions of grassroots supporters—proof that we are a political powerhouse in the movement to end gun violence.
Fighting for gun safety in every single state would be impossible without our thousands of incredible volunteers. And when we're going toe-to-toe with the gun lobby, it requires a lot of financial resources, too. That's why we rely on grassroots donors to help us keep up this momentum: Donate today to support the work we're doing every day to pass stronger gun laws and work for a future free from gun violence.
Thank you for your support,
Everytown and Moms Demand Action