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Weekend Edition, June 17-18, 2023


In the Name of My Father

Edward Curtin

China Calls Out the USA for Instigating the Infamous Color Revolutions

Weimin Chen

J6 Pipe Bomber Story Goes Boom

Julie Kelly

Harry and Meghan Are the King and Queen of Narcissism

Douglas Young

Bill Gates, Blinken, Jamie Dimon; visiting China as Beggars

Helena Glass

Lessons From Dad; Rivers and Redlines We Must Cross!

Capt. Randall

Viganò Message for Los Angeles Reparation Procession

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Call the Exorcists!

James Howard Kunstler

Secret Pfizer Document Shows Company Observed 1.6 Million Injuries Following Covid Vaccination

Madge Waggy

Why Propaganda Works

Caitlin Johnstone

Taking Vitamin D Daily May Reduce Cancer Mortality by 12%

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Fake News and Government Pushing Climate Change Conspiracy Theories

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Political Theatre

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