Dear Friend,
Last week, the Greens announced one of the most radical tax
policies we've ever seen. While asset taxes have been floated before,
having now worked through the finer detail of what the Greens want, it
is clear that this proposed tax would hit (and hurt) far more families
than the media would lead you to believe.
I know there is so much going on right now, but this would
be so destructive to New Zealand's prosperity and it is an issue we
simply cannot ignore.
The last time the Greens proposed a wealth tax, Labour's then
leader Jacinda Ardern ruled it out. This time, Chris Hipkins is
entertaining this radical tax grab.
I'm emailing all of our supporters like you who so you are aware
how these changes might affect you. We
need your support today so we can ensure Kiwis understand the real impact of an asset tax
and how it will cost home owners and cripple small businesses owned by
family trusts.
⚠️ Who this impacts ⚠️
>> Anyone with assets in a trust 🏡
While Marama Davidson and James Shaw are
trying to say that their new tax will only impact the 'wealthy', their
proposals will see each and every one of New
Zealand's around 400,000 trusts paying a 1.5% asset
tax from the first dollar of assets each and every year – even if it's
the family home, family farm, or small business!
Trusts aren't necessarily the preserve
of the wealthy. Many of us have legitimate purposes for a trust, such
as for relationship or asset protection
Even worse, the Greens tax is
on gross assets, not net assets held in trust. That
means that a $1,000,000 home
owned by a family trust would be liable for $15,000 in tax every year,
even if it had a mortgage of $900,000!
>> Anyone with shares in a company 🏭
Despite already having one of the
highest corporate tax rates in the OECD, James Shaw wants to hammer
business with a hike in the company tax rate from 28% to 33%.
The Greens' proposal would would mean only Venezuela and
a handful of African and South American countries would have higher
rates. To put it mildly, this would significantly hit
investment and lead to lower growth – making all Kiwis poorer.
Australia's 30% rate would suddenly
become a lot more attractive.
>> Anyone earning wages or PAYE income👷
While the Greens have been quick to
promote a proposal for a "Tax Free Threshold", in fact many New
Zealanders would face higher tax bills under the Greens'
Make no mistake Friend, this proposal
is about extracting more in tax. The tax free threshold is a classic
political "bait and switch" – with Kiwis facing higher marginal tax
rates as the cost of a political 'gift'. It would severely reduce
incentives to work.
For those on the highest incomes – such
as doctors and knowledge workers with the skills New Zealand
desperately needs, the Greens
want those earning $120,000 to $180,000 to pay a 39% rate while those
earning over $180,000 will be forced to pay an eye-watering 45% tax
>> Anyone with net total assets over $2 million 👋
As part of the package, the Greens want
to force a 2.5% annual tax on all personally
held net assets over $2 million.
Double taxation like this
disincentivises wealth creation and encourages entrepreneurs to invest
outside of New Zealand.
Killing the goose that lays the golden egg – a recipe for a poorer
New Zealand
The Greens have badged all this up as their plan to 'End Poverty
Together', but we all know you can't tax your way to prosperity.
experience in France and Norway shows that introducing (or increasing)
wealth taxes drives millionaires – who pay an awful lot of tax –
abroad. This means that asset taxes can often result in less
money for public services.
We must force Chris Hipkins to rule out these
extreme measures

Make no mistake ,
the threat of these tax plans becoming reality is
With the polls so close, and Chris Hipkins needing the Green Party
(and the Māori Party) to stay in Government, do you trust him not to
be strong-armed?
That's why we need Chris Hipkins to rule out these measures now –
so the Greens can't argue that a narrow Labour/Green/Māori victory is
a 'mandate' for these disructive policies.
We need you on board,
dollar you donate will help us raise awareness of the impacts of these
reckless policies and ensure that voters are armed with the facts
before they go to cast their ballots.
Can we count on your support?
Thank you for your support.
Hon. Ruth Richardson Board Member New
Zealand Taxpayers' Union
ps. Your
donation will help us to stand up against radical policies like these
and fight for a prosperous, low-tax New Zealand with efficient,
accountable government.