We won’t be silent anymore!

Dear John,


We are just a few days away from the Moral Poverty Action Congress, where we will convene coordinating committee members, impacted leaders, and partner organizations from over 30 states for three days of learning, power-building, and action in Washington, D.C.

To make this possible, we need your support. This Congress is an important next step for our work in 2024 and beyond. Your generosity will help provide delegates with accommodations, meals, and program materials. Any donation, regardless of its size, will make a significant impact. In addition, our State Coordinating Committees are fundraising to cover their travel expenses, and we hope you will consider supporting them as they plan to join us in our nation’s capital.

During the Congress, participants will deepen their political knowledge, enhance their moral analysis skills, and gain a better understanding of the Campaign's goals and principles. We will hear from distinguished panelists and policy experts who will share the latest poverty data findings. Together, we will see how the Campaign can impact policy, shift the narrative on poverty, and build power around a moral public policy agenda. We deeply appreciate your unwavering commitment to the Poor People's Campaign and sincerely thank you for your support.

Forward together and not one step back,

Bishop William J. Barber, II
National Co-Chair of the Poor People's Campaign, President & Senior Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach


Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

National Co-Chair of the Poor People's Campaign, Director of Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice