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John, we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this important message from Amy about our upcoming fundraising deadline.

June is now officially halfway over -- that means we only have a couple weeks left to make sure we meet our end-of-quarter fundraising goal. Will you make a quick donation now to help us get there?

Progress to end-of-quarter fundraising goal  

Remember, since Amy is running for reelection, it’s critical that we take this opportunity to show the strength of our grassroots movement.

We’re making great progress toward our goal, so anything you give will go a long way toward getting us across the finish line. Please, pitch in any amount now to help keep Amy fighting for us in the U.S. Senate.

-- Team Amy

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Amy Klobuchar
Subject: I’m personally asking for you to contribute to my reelection campaign.

Hi there --

I’m reaching out personally to ask you to contribute to my reelection campaign. Here’s why your donation today is so important:

1. Democrats can’t afford to lose a single Senate seat in 2024 -- that includes my seat in Minnesota.

We must keep Minnesota blue to keep the Senate blue. Will you contribute today to help us get a head start?

2. My work in the Senate is powered by grassroots support.

My work in the Senate wouldn’t be possible without generous grassroots donors like you. From lowering prescription drug prices to capping insulin at $35 a month for seniors, we’ve accomplished some big things together.

But the truth is that our work is far from complete. Will you contribute today to help me keep fighting for progress?

3. The end-of-quarter fundraising deadline is at the end of this month -- and June is already halfway over.

Will you donate now to help us hit our end-of-quarter fundraising goal at the end of this month? June is already halfway over so time is of the essence.

The 2024 election may seem far away, but when you consider what we’re up against and what’s at stake it’s clear that we need to start preparing now.

So if you’re able: Will you contribute to my reelection campaign today? Anything you give will help us reach our end-of-quarter fundraising goal.

I couldn’t do this without you.




Klobuchar for Minnesota
P.O. Box 4146
St. Paul, MN 55104
United States

Contributions or gifts to Klobuchar for Minnesota are not tax-deductible.

Any contribution history information in this email is based on our digital contribution records associated with this email address. If you have donated with a different email address, via mail or in another way -- thank you so much! Your contribution is reflected in our files and we truly appreciate your support.

Paid for by Klobuchar for Minnesota
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