Even bigger Republican majorities open the door for more anti-voter laws, more anti-abortion laws, more anti-LGBTQ+ laws, and more extremism. 

In case you missed it: Brian Kemp recently announced a six-figure campaign to flip five vulnerable Democratic-held legislative seats and protect six Republicans in swing districts across Georgia. If you’re wondering why he’s unleashing such a massive spending spree, it comes down to this:

Even bigger Republican majorities open the door for more anti-voter laws, more anti-abortion laws, more anti-LGBTQ+ laws, and basically, more extremism in Georgia. Kemp’s leadership committee can raise and spend unlimited funds, including during legislative sessions, to tilt the makeup of the state legislature into Republicans’ favor.

This news comes as we approach another consequential election cycle in 2024 — which Kemp undoubtedly views as a critical opportunity to solidify Republican control in Georgia. Kemp hasn’t wasted any time launching his leadership committee and signing several anti-voter laws just this year that could criminalize hardworking elections officials and deny them necessary funds for our elections, create a state commission to target and remove democratically elected district attorneys, and remove lawfully appointed Black members and Democrats on county Boards of Elections.

At Fair Fight, we’re meeting this moment by building a full-scale organizing effort ahead of the 2024 election. Together, we can withstand Kemp’s big bucks and anti-voter attacks. We’re more committed than ever to ensuring eligible voters can access the ballot box freely and fairly and helping to elect pro-democracy champions up and down the ballot.

Help stop Kemp’s attempts to gain more power for his extreme GOP agenda by making a donation to Fair Fight right away.



The Fair Fight Team