Did you know that you can support the environmental movement from
the comfort of your chair? Or standing in line at the grocery store?
Sign up to be part of EARTHDAY.ORG’s Social
Squad and we’ll email you important posts you can share on Facebook
and Twitter with two simple clicks. (Apologies if
you’re not on social media!)
Why are you asking me to do this? Because sharing,
liking and commenting on our posts pushes us to the top of the social
media feeds — which then allows us to reach more people. Your
clicks directly support the environmental movement.
How often will you contact me? We’ll reach out
approximately once a week with news, videos, petitions, and other
actions for you to share with your networks.
Whether you're a new environmental supporter or a seasoned
activist, the Social Squad is an easy way for you to show your
commitment to the planet. Together, we can build the world’s
largest environmental movement.
Join the Social Squad today and make an
In unity,
Beatriz Woods Email Strategist